Taking inventory of which drugs the world is using to treat COVID-19
New research catalogued every COVID treatment documented in medical literature so far and found physicians have reported on the use of more than 100 different off-label and experimental treatments.
With doctors and researchers around the world searching for effective treatments for COVID-19, many drugs approved to treat other diseases are being used in hopes that they'll be effective against the virus, a use that's known as "off-label." New research from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania catalogued every use documented in medical literature so far and found physicians have reported on the use of more than 100 different off-label and experimental treatments. The effort, called COvid19 Registry of Off-label & New Agents (CORONA), is an attempt to take an inventory of what's being used where, as well as to spot any evidence of treatments that warrant further investigation in a randomized clinical trial.
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